Wednesday 23 January 2013

-27 really????

Call me a wimp, but there was no way I was going to run outside this week. There is not enough layering that will get me outside.  The weather has been beyond crazy... crazy as in it has been ridiculously COLD. It was the breaking news on all television channels and radio networks. Videos of people throwing water into the air that turned into snow.. yes, that's how cold it is. I had planned to run outside with my buddy, but we decided that we were not crazy enough to freeze out butts. So, down to the dreadmill I go. I've started watching movies when on the dreadmill and it seems to be helping me pass the time. I finished watching Magic Mike (ouu la la) on my last two runs and today I started Eat, Pray, Love.  As for my training, I've hoped right back onto the training schedule. I have 95 more days to race day and right on track with my plan. My knee is slowly mending. I was able to run 3.52 miles tonight on the dreadmill while enjoying my movie of the night. Baby was great and didn't cry tonight and let mommy run... what more can I ask for :)

I was also a WINNER this week .. ha.ha.. I had written in an earlier post about searching for a sports bra. I stumbled upon Shock Absorber and entered a contest they had on Facebook and guess what. I won! I look forward to telling you all about how well the bra performs in keeping me "bounce free"

-16 before the windchill. I'm staying INDOORS!!

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Antelope Canyon 50 Miler Recap Part 2

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